Below are pre-set German characters for the game. Feel free to modify them as you see fit. Due to the scarcity of information about the conflict, particularly the lower level officers, the below biographies have been influenced by fiction as well as fact. If and when characters meet their untimely end, feel free to introduce your own characters. Due to the narrative of the Campaign I have also taken liberty of the ranks of the officers you play as and report to. Commanding Officer (Battle 1 and Battle 2) Name: Johannes Barge (factual) Rank: Lieutenant Colonel Age: 37 Appearance: see picture From: Unknown Starting CO Rating: -1 (no effect) Background: Not much is known about Barge in western literature. Barge was born on 23 March 1906 in Germany. Barge joined the Wehrmacht in 1934 at age 28. Barge was awarded the Gold German Cross on 28 July 1943 as a Major with Infanterie-Batallion 550 ...