After waiting for some extra stuff to arrive for the park I got back to working on the board.
Firstly the park itself, I taped out the paths, sprayed them and 'flocked' them
Next up some various scatter terrain, come for the park, others more generally around the board. The Light poles will probably go in the street and in the park.
Then some statues for the park, I will probably use the horse mounted miniature for now - this will go on the weird shape in the park.
Some fencing, also to delineate the edge of the park.
How can I complete this project without some minis to fight over it. I decided cops and robbers would fit the scene best. I had to go with the bobbies, for the more interesting hats!
That's it for this time. On the to-do list is:
- posters (theatre, bus shelter)
- petrol station sign
- petrol station (weathering)
- civilians (x5)
- flocking the park
- fence between petrol station and tenement building
- dumpsters
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