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New 'bought' Terrain and Greyhound

While I have not posted new stuff in a while, I have been working hard to get a new army to the table.

I am currently 19 miniatures into a US Airborne force. While it doesn't sound like a lot, this pace, for me, is quick. I will share once I get a few more models painted (and based).

So I am fairly new to miniature painting and feel as though I have not started to get a handle on the techniques of painting. I have tried to paint a vehicle in the past but something was not right. Looking at it now I base-coated the model in too light of a colour and then a reddy wash (on a colour that was not red (or red based)) was a mistake - it looked blotchy and horrible, I gave up then and there.

After my experience with painting Gaslands cars (see previous posts) I decided to give it another go! I started painting a US M8 Greyhound for Italy. I think for a first true go, it turned out pretty well!

In addition to this I bought some terrain, Battlefield in a box rural roads and 4ground Trees. I was going to make my own roads but B-i-a-B roads fit my purpose so well and will be easier to store than anything I can make myself.

This is not all the trees but shows you some.

It also helps focus me to mention in these posts what is coming up next. Well apart from continuing to paint the US Airborne, I am:
  • painting a Willy's Jeep
  • painting Willy's Jeep crew
  • starting to build the board which everything will go on
  • ordering some buildings and preparing/painting them up
This is probably enough then to allow me to play some basic games of bolt action and chain of command at home!


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